B R I E F L Y  S P O K E N

The Midnight


THE MIDNIGHT HOUR REFERS TO the darkest hour of the day; an hour when the majority no longer works and are in deep sleep.

Jeus said the time is coming when the world will reach its darkest hour, and no one will be able to work (John 9:3-5); of course he was referring to himself first, yet also to all mankind when he said “no man can work.”

In our present age the darkness of sin will overtake our communities. Proclaiming the gospel will be greatly hindered. This time has not yet come, but appears to be drawing close. It’s even possible that our current pandemic could eventually keep us off the streets and out of the marketplaces.

As of today you and I are able to go “into all of America” and its marketplaces to bring the light of Christ to the masses. However, the darkness is increasing at tremendous speed. Tomorrow this darkness may be so great that we will not be able to work the works of God and go into all the world to teach the good news of the coming kingdom.

While we have today, make the light of the good news Jesus taught known to our dark communities. Move from the padded pew and go into all the world where the masses are and be a witness.

Our times are urgent. The darkest of nights draws near.