

HOPE-FOR-TODAY is a personal initiative
rising out of the recognition that:

  • politics is little-by-little chipping away our national sovereignty, eroding our economy, contributing to the change in morality, and continues to remove our Christian freedom. We have less Christian freedoms today than we have ever had here in the United States.
  • those claiming to be Christian puts forth more effort in pleasures, life issues, and politics than they do in the things of God and striving to invite others to embrace Jesus and his teachings.
  • We are living in dangerous and desperate times where the door to being a witness in the marketplace is closing more and more. The times are growing dark
  • God’s people, the “I,” are the salt and light of the earth. If we, “I,” are not salting and illuminating the earth, darkness, sin, and the lower nature of people will continue to increase
  • Jesus is the only viable hope for our present age.

HOPE-FOR-TODAY is not associated with any denomination or religious institution. It is the effort of one who believes that if there is to be hope for our nation, that hope must come through Jesus and Jesus alone.