HOME Have You Considered MOST LIKELY YOU ARE VISITING this page because you received one of our tracts either from myself or someone who purchased them from us. The tract was given to you because of our concern about where you will be one hundred years from now. The fact is that you will be in either heaven or hell after you die...and that time is short; for most of us that is no more than one hundred years, and for way too many, life is much shorter.
Once we die, we will either be in heaven or hell. It is only through Jesus that we are able to escape hell and enter into eternal life. To learn more about Jesus, what he has done, and what he means for your life today, listen to our book "100% Guaranteed, You Have An Appointment With Destiny" ONLINE HERE. A Study Guide is also provided and can be found here. Take the time to watch the Jesus Film at jesusfilmmedia.org. This film is the Gospel of Luke made into a film and will give insight into who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and what our response to Him should be. After watching the movie, read the book of Luke and have a heart-to-heart talk with God. You can find it online here: biblegateway.com or in a Bible you may have at home. Lastly, read SEVEN STEPS TO GROWING YOUR FAITH to help you live out your Christianity in your day-to-day life.
If you have other questions, be sure to make the Bible and prayer your number one resource. Also, contact us and we'll be happy to help you out.
With Prayer, |